Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lee's Favorite Titles

Do you have too many books and too little time? Then you might want to follow Lee Sinclair's example and just read book titles! Her post on the Boomers and Books blog gives her top five favorites, along with some delightful runners up. 

She writes:
Great titles relate to or reflect the content. So a well-named humorous book usually evokes a smile or even a laugh. A killer mystery title is intriguingly mysterious or perhaps has a dead body in it, while humorous mysteries slay you with  their mangled clichés or deadly puns. Literary titles should be profound, of course; nonfiction titles should be informative. Et cetera. 

It'll make you laugh. (My favorite: Thinner Thighs in Thirty Years.) Here's the link: Favorite Titles 


  1. One of the best book titles I've seen in a long time. It will definitely get you some sales. Looking forward to reading it.

  2. Titles always amaze me. I can try and try to come up with one and they sound forced but suddenly one appears and I know the book couldn't be anything else but.


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