Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sweet Saturday Samples - Oct 1

Over lunch the three main characters from I.O.U. SEX--June, Kiki, and Peggy--discuss their progress in tracking down their former high school steadies. Both Kiki and June are hot on the trail of their old beaus, but Peggy swears she isn't interested in finding Mark, her first love. This might have something to do with the fact that she thinks she is the size of a heifer. However, that doesn't stop Peg from ignoring her doctor's advice to eat healthy foods. Her order of chicken fried steak with all the fixin's has just arrived, and she's diggin' in.

   Embarrassed by the whole conversation, Peg turned her attention to cutting up her steak. She used the largest piece to sop up a glob of mashed potatoes, along with some gravy, before stuffing the bite into her mouth. She closed her eyes, savoring the heavenly combination of tastes and textures.
     For a few moments, the women ate in silence. Peggy glanced down at her chest and dabbed at a drop of gravy with her napkin, then reached into her purse to retrieve the Tide pen she kept there. She frowned, wishing food didn't always land on her boobs like they were a baby's bib. She used the pen to erase the stain and blotted the spot with her napkin again.

As they finish their meal, Peggy makes a decision.

    If June and Kiki can look for their old boyfriends, maybe I can search for Mark too. I really am curious about him and have always wondered how his life turned out.
    She stirred her drink with her straw and stared into space.
    Besides, I don't have to act on whatever I find and actually meet him in person. Other than Kiki and June, no one will even have to know. This will just be a way of finding an answer to a question--a question I've had for a long, long time.
    Where did Mark go and why did he leave without a word?

Peggy's challenge is not only to find her old boyfriend but also to get her weight and related health issues under control. Like approximately 70% of the U.S. population, she's overweight and, at this point, she's losing the battle. But that could change.

Thank you to everyone who reads our Sweet Saturday Samples, especially those people who leave comments! We treasure your input. For more Sweet Saturday Samples, click here: The Sweet Saturday List.


  1. You picked an important topic for this story. Great last line! I enjoyed reading.

  2. Nice work! Thanks for sharing with us today :)

  3. Tide pens. I don't have one yet but some of my friends do. OMG! That is so funny and real. Great sample. Mark should be bald...

  4. Tide pen to the rescue! :) Carry one in my purse 'cause my kid swears my clothes are napkins. Ugh. Nice sample. Wonder if she'll start eating better...

  5. You sure got my attention. Lots of issues going on here. I'd love to know more!

  6. Jennifer: Glad you like the topic. Overweight affects so many people.
    Lisa Beth: Thank you for the nice compliment!
    Patricia: Do you have ESP or have you read the book?
    Mirriam: Tide pens are a great invention, aren't they?
    Patricia: Glad the excerpt got your attention. We'll be posting more.

  7. Loved your sample! I've read the book, so I won't given it away, but Peggy's instincts will serve her well. :)


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