Sunday, July 8, 2012


If you're a writer, you know how difficult it sometimes can be to balance writing time with daily life. In THE WRITE BALANCE: Journaling the Writer's Life, 59 writers share their thoughts and insights on this subject. D. Jean Quarles, who organized and published the book, writes:

     "I felt wrenched and yanked, pulled and twisted ever farther from my writing."
    "I needed balance. And who better to ask about how to achieve this blissful state than other writers who, I was sure, also had struggled at some point in their career."  

The Write Balance is free on Smashwords (multiple formats)

I'm proud to be one of the contributors to this great collection of essays. You'll find my input at Chapter 31, indexed in the Table of Contents.

~ Sandy Nachlinger


  1. You have been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by catnipoflife! Stop by for a visit, read the rules and grab the tag for your website. Happy 'blogs' to you! Keep on writing:>)

  2. Can't wait to download to my Kindle! Loving this blog and congrats on the nomination above!


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